"The name Etran de L’Aïr translates to “the Stars of the Aïr,” the mountainous region of Northern Niger."
Today was an absolute treat with one of the best full lineups I have seen all year. Thundercat's, 'In Yo Girl's City Tour,' featured the likes of Smino, The Linda Lindas, and Zack Fox; every single artist exceeded my expectations.

My highest expectations, however, were placed towards Thundercat, a two-time Grammy-winning bassist who has contributed to artists including Kendrick Lamar, Flying Lotus, Erykah Badu, and Childish Gambino. Coupled with his 90s-early 2000s videogame aesthetic and colour maximalist outfits, I knew witnessing a Thundercat set would be engaging.
I arrived at the venue early and was greeted with a giant stage inflatable reminiscent of the Thundercat TV series. Later that night, Thundercat's walkout on stage came through this inflatable feline draped in harsh red lighting. In hand, Thundercat was holding a massive 'Ibanez TCB1006ALM Stephen Thundercat Bruner Bass,' accompanied by two others on stage, respectively playing keys (Dennis Hamm) and drums (Justin Brown).

It became apparent instantaneously just how skilled of a bassist Thundercat is, absolutely shredding on his bass. I expected nothing short of perfection when witnessing his live set, and that was what I ultimately received. Witnessing someone of this calibre front row in the photo pit is an absolute delight. Throughout his set, he did a mix of extended bass solos on tracks like, 'Innerstellar Love,' coupled with his unique vocal performances on tracks like, 'Dragonball Durag.'
On ETHEREAL.PRESS, we tend to feature artists who have self-actualized in a unique fashion, ensuring no other artist fits their unique expression of self. Once an artist has gone through this transition, you associate them, their sounds, and their voice with them and only them. Thundercat is a textbook example of this individuation and exceptional mastery of the music genre.

I highly recommend you check out Thundercat and this exceptional star-studded lineup in your city.
★★★★★ (5/5)